Set Location
Set reported country
Leave blank if unknown.Set Location ID
Set Depth
No GPS data is available for mapping.
Identified as: VIC-1179
Matched by: Pattern match
In this dialog box, you can add an encounter to a new or existing marked individual or remove the encounter from a marked individual if already assigned.
Alternate ID:
Occurrence ID: b158f6a9-32cd-43ba-b11d-fb96b6da4939
Imogen Manins
Imogen Manins
MetadataNumber: 2595b779-07b7-4181-8dc3-4bcfb6447e76
Workflow state: approved Set Workflow State
Reset Encounter Date Set Verbatim Event Date |
Taxonomy Phyllopteryx taeniolatus
Reset genus and species
Status: alive
Reset Status
Sex: unknown
Reset Sex
Noticeable scarring:
Edit scarring description
Behavior: None
Edit Behavior
Leave blank if unknown.Group Role: None
Edit Group Role
Leave blank if unknown.Life stage: subadult
Reset life stage
Additional comments:
Edit Submitted Comments
Add Observation
The machine learning queue is empty and ready for work.
No configured algorithm for this annotation class.